At YMCA’s across Canada, November marks the celebration of Peace Week. Each Y holds unique events, with one exception – all Y’s grant peace medals to outstanding members of their communities. The medals that are awarded at these celebrations go to people and organizations that demonstrate the Y-defined value of P.E.A.C.E:
- P = Participation – getting involved and encouraging others to get involved in community-building activities
- E = Empathy – listening and understanding diverse perspectives to create a sense of belonging for all
- A = Advocacy – making the case for positive change in the community
- C = Community – building and strengthening community connections and capacity
- E = Empowerment – inspiring others to foster peace and helping them gain the skills and tools to succeed

Crombie supports those organizations that build stronger communities, so the New Glasgow office eagerly purchased a table for the Pictou County Y’s 2018 Peace Breakfast. We decided that it made sense to give our tickets to those employees who also demonstrated these values, and asked their coworkers to nominate deserving recipients. The nominations poured in, and clarified how fantastic our Crombie employees really are. Here are a few of those nominations:
- I nominate Patrick Langille as he is friendly towards everyone, is involved with the social committee and has organized multiple painting fun days.
- I nominate Tracy Naugler for her involvement in community events.
- I nominate Lori-Anna Jenkins as she is very involved in community projects, giving of her time and herself to benefit others. She is always willing to lend a hand to colleagues and is a ray of sunshine to be around!
- I nominate Danielle Carson for her work leading Crombie’s Safe Harbour drive to welcome and provide a home for people escaping Syria.
- I nominate Marcie Kelly for taking on initiatives like Shepherd’s Lunchroom, and paying attention to the needs of those around her
- I nominate Angela Cormier for being ever-aware of the needs of people other than her own, for coordinating the annual Crombie holiday gifts for families who need a helping hand, and for sharing food with those who are hungry.
- I nominate Elizabeth Engram and Tara Russell for their work with Habitat for Humanity. Both of these women are busy with their careers and young families, yet they take the time to help others get a hand up in home ownership.
- I nominate Joan Murray for always sharing treats and taking good care of her work family
- I nominate John Charlton for being one of the first people to step up any time someone needs support
Crombie is committed to enriching the neighbourhoods in which we operate. Our team inspires us to continue to go the extra mile to build better communities for all of us!